This training meets the MCAD requirements for Discrimination and Harassment Training 10:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
All participants must remain on camera individually during the training and must be in attendance the entire time to receive MIIA Rewards credit.
Attorney Regina Ryan, founder of Discrimination and Harassment Solutions, LLC will discuss the following topics:
Overview of Discrimination
Identifying Protected Classes
Sexual Harassment
Reviewing recent trends in discrimination What to expect at the MCAD
Regina M. Ryan founded Discrimination and Harassment Solutions, LLC in 2014 to provide specialized and interactive training services to educate employees on issues of discrimination, sexual harassment, retaliation, and other employment-related topics. In addition, she recognized the need for employers to complete independent investigations when confronted with allegations of employee wrongdoing including but not limited to ethics violations, bullying, and harassment/discrimination. In response, DHS conducts impartial investigations to determine violations of policy or the law. Beyond trainings and investigations, DHS consults with employees to audit policies and practices and to mediate internal employment disputes. Ms. Ryan practiced law at Louison, Costello, Condon & Pfaff for 26 years specializing in employment litigation. In addition to her litigation experience, Ms. Ryan completed multiple MCAD certified training courses for conducting investigations and trainings related to discrimination and/or harassment in the workplace. She also holds the ATIXA Civil Rights Investigator Level Two Certification for Title IX investigations. Ms. Ryan has been a featured speaker at many conferences focusing on topics including sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace and Title 1X
This webinar qualifies the MIIA member for .5% credit under the FY22 MIIA Rewards Program under Public Officials Liability, School Board Liability or Law Enforcement Liability categories.