Reasonable assurance is a written, oral or implied offer that the employee will perform services in the same or similar capacity during the ensuing academic year, term, or remainder of term. The offer of employment must be a genuine offer, that is, an offer made by an individual with actual authority to offer employment.
Please join us for this important webinar on May 24, 2023
11:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Click here to register
The audience for this webinar should be the HR/Business officials in the school department and regional school districts. Please forward this information to them.
This webinar will address the following topics
Definition of Reasonable Assurance Methods to Provide Reasonable Assurance Exceptions
Presenter Biography
Paul Scott joined UTMC in 1991 and is responsible for UI claims management at MIIA. He has attended over 15,000 appeal hearings over the past three decades. A graduate of Boston University, Paul is a member of the Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM) Unemployment Committee, the Connecticut Business & Industry Association (CBIA) Unemployment Taskforce and The National Foundation for Unemployment Compensations and Workers’ Compensation (UWC). A frequent speaker on all unemployment-related topics, Paul is passionate about providing and ensuring that employers receive the level of service and expertise that they both require and deserve.